XD Wow it’s like an actual entry and not a story. I figured people didn’t know about my interests and prolly thought I was some weird sicko who like two men in bed and thought homosexuals were cute. o_O Ok..so all of that is true…hee hee.

But I’m 17 and straight (still trying to find a guy..-_-; ). Obviously I’m a female (duh.). I’m in love with Robin from the 60s Batman. I’m obsessed with Fellowship of the Ring (and to think that I said it was a prep movie and had no reason to go see it hehehe) my favorite characters are Merry and Pippin (actor wise Billy and Dom). I love the UK (mostly Scotland and England) and have even before I found FOTR.

Paul McCartney is my favorite Singer. His voice can take me places that I can’t describe. The Beatles can make me overly hyper and embarrasingly enough I can get ‘high’ off Billy and Dom, The Beatles, basically anything I’m obsessed with.

I want to go to UNCG (a local college) to study Art and Novel Writing. My art is located here: http://robingirl.deviantart.com

Along with drawing and writing, I can make webpages by scratch as well as graphics.

My list of webpages is never ending and I keep bringing up more and more every day. Most of them are Lord of the Rings related.

After being made fun of for my whole life (am still getting laughed at) I’m very paranoid and would do anything to be your friend. I’m very happy and energetic. When I’m not jumping around my friends worry about me. I talk to myself in my own world whenever I feel like it. I’m proud that I can do that without worrying about people staring at me.

My world is a place that I made up that I could go whenever I felt lonely or fed up with the world. I’m very cynical and harsh about things I don’t like. Though I love to find the good in things. Homosexuality And Bisexuality do not bother me one bit. Goths and Nerds are one with me. Because I’m one of both groups. I’m supposedly the ‘cute goth’. The one that sits in the corner giggling and making you feel nervous.

I dislike Cheer Leaders, Preps, and Jocks with a passion. If you are a cheerleader then watch out. I’ll cut you down to size in no time. I dislike cliques and stuff. I dispise people who have attitudes 24-7.

I think Femine guys are adorable and would be the best boy friends if people didn’t shun them.

I think girls who talk about guys all the time need to get a life.

After college I’m moving to Europe, probably Scotland or England. I’ve been saying that I was going to do that since 8th grade and I havn’t changed one bit.

I’ve been more than once thought to be of some European Hertiage, even tho I am a full bred american. I use British and Scottish slang all the time. I can speak some Japanese (not enough to make a sentence but enough to insult someone) and a years worth of Spanish.

Now I think I’ve told some about myself. *bows* Thank you!